Morphogenetic Variations and Quality Characteristics of Carpinus orientalis Mill. Seedlings




Oriental hornbeam, variation, morphological, sturdiness quotient, Root collar diameter


The aim of this study is to determine certain morphological characteristics of 1+0, 2+0, 2+1, and 2+2-year-old Oriental Hornbeam (Carpinus orientalis Mill.) seedlings grown from seeds collected at three different elevation levels (Maçka-1, Maçka-2, Maçka-3) ranging from sea level to 1200 meters in the Trabzon-Maçka basin, which is within the natural distribution area of the oriental hornbeam species. The study also aims to identify variations based on morphological characteristics and determine quality classes based on sturdiness quotient values. Root collar diameter and seedling height values were measured in seedlings of different ages. Additionally, the measured morphological characters of the seedlings were used to calculate the sturdiness quotient value and classify the seedlings accordingly in terms of quality. As a result of the study, the average seedling heights were obtained as 20.11 cm, 36.85 cm, 55.31 cm, and 82.74 cm, respectively, as the age of the seedlings increased. The average root collar diameter values of the seedlings were determined as 2.98 mm, 6.26 mm, 8.68 mm, and 12.08 mm, respectively, with the increase in seedling age. The analysis of variance revealed statistically significant differences among the populations in terms of the measured parameters. Except for the 2+0-year-old seedlings, the highest variation coefficients for the measured morphological parameters were generally obtained in the Maçka-3 population, which is located at the highest altitude. Along with the increase in seedling age, the correlation coefficient between root collar diameter and seedling height generally decreased. It was observed that sturdiness quotient values generally decreased with increasing elevation, and higher-altitude populations had higher-quality seedlings in terms of sturdiness quotient.


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How to Cite

Atar, E., Atar, F., & Güney, D. (2023). Morphogenetic Variations and Quality Characteristics of Carpinus orientalis Mill. Seedlings . Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 11(9), 1742–1750.



Research Paper