The Effect of Different Irrigation Frequency and Level on Yield and Quality Characteristics of Silage Sorghum




Different irrigation levels, feed quality, BMR Silage Sorghum


This study was carried out to determine the effect of different irrigation frequency and levels on silage sorghum plant for yield and quality at the Bingöl University Agricultural Research and Application Field in 2022 using the Master BMR variety as plant material. Randomized complete blocks applying the split-plots experimental design with three replications was used; four irrigation levels (25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) and four irrigation frequencies (5, 10, 15 and 20 days) were considered as treatments. Percentage of moisture replacement was determined using total moisture loss from evapotranspiration (ET). Amount of water discharged by emitters were predetermined, hence, time was used to determine the exact amount. Properties related to green forage yield, dry matter yield, crude protein ratio, crude protein yield, acid detergent insoluble fibre, neutral detergent insoluble fibre, digestible dry matter, dry matter consumption and relative feed value were investigated. Statistically significant differences between all the examined features were observed. The highest green forage yield, dry matter yield and crude protein yield were obtained from 5-day frequency and 100% level. Highest crude protein ratio from 5-day frequency and 25% level, lowest acid detergent insoluble fibre rate and highest digestible dry matter rate from 20-day frequency and 25% level, highest dry matter intake and relative feed value with the lowest neutral detergent insoluble fibre rate were observed from 25% level with 10 and 20-day frequencies. In conclusion; it can be stated that, to obtain high yield from silage sorghum, it is necessary to irrigate at 5 days frequencies and 100% level. However, high-quality product can be obtained with a 10-day frequency and a 25% level with low yield.

Author Biographies

Kağan Kökten, Department of Plant Production and Technology Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Sivas University of Science and Technology Sivas, Türkiye

Vice Rector, Sivas University of Science and Technology.


Department of Plant Production and Technology

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Technology

Sivas University of Science and Technology

Sivas, Türkiye.

Erdal Çaçan, Department of Field Crops Institute of Sciences Bingöl University Bingöl, Türkiye

Head of Department


Department of Field Crops

Institute of Sciences

Bingöl University

Bingöl, Türkiye.


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How to Cite

Iddrisu, A. M., Kökten, K., & Çaçan, E. (2024). The Effect of Different Irrigation Frequency and Level on Yield and Quality Characteristics of Silage Sorghum. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(6), 924–931.



Research Paper