Will Olive Groves have a Future Under Climate Change Conditions in The North Aegean Sub-Region, a Mediterranean Agricultural Ecosystem of Türkiye?





Mediterranean climate, Suitability, olive groves, agro-geomorphologic units, RCP scenarios


The study is aimed at investigating future changes in sustainability of olive farming by means of climate change, and changes in agricultural climatic suitableness and phenology of olive tree cultivation in the North Aegean sub-region of Türkiye mainly characterised with dry summer subtropical Mediterranean climate. According to projected changes based on RCP8.5 scenario, projected warming reaches an average of 5-6°C increase indicating most negative condition on olive cultivation. According to RCP8.5 scenario annual precipitation projections, present suitable areas of olive groves will decrease in the period of 2049-2073, and almost the entire study area will be in the category of medium suitable. With respect to projected Emberger Bioclimate classification, for RCP 8.5 scenario, there will be a significant increase in dry-sub humid areas in the period of 2049-2073. This increase will cover up the coastal areas in the period of 2074-2098, and even all the study region will be very likely characterised with dry-sub humid and semi-arid Mediterranean bioclimatic types except for some coastal areas. An increase of about 6°C is expected in maximum values of maximum air temperatures during the bud swelling periods in the spring, especially after 2050 under RCP8.5 scenario. This increase in extreme maximum temperatures may cause olive trees to bloom earlier and prolong the growth period. By regarding the high vernalization requirement of main olive variety in the study area, a 6°C temperature increase may significantly decrease olive yields and will force farmers to transition to new varieties with relatively low vernalization requirements. According to both RCP scenarios, there is a possibility of extension of suitable areas for olive cultivation towards low to mid-elevation plateaus and mid-elevation slopes of mountainous areas and high plateaus particularly facing suitable aspects to lower negative effects of projected future warming and dryness.

Author Biography

Sinan Şahin, Faculty of Çorlu Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Hydraulics Division, Namik Kemal University, Çorlu, Tekirdağ, Türkiye

Faculty of Çorlu Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Hydraulics Division, Namik Kemal University, Çorlu, Tekirdağ, Türkiye


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How to Cite

Türkeş, M., & Şahin, S. (2025). Will Olive Groves have a Future Under Climate Change Conditions in The North Aegean Sub-Region, a Mediterranean Agricultural Ecosystem of Türkiye?. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 13(1), 43–58. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v13i1.43-58.7202



Research Paper