Geographically Indication Ancestral Seed Ardahan Kavılca Wheat: A Comprehensive Review




Gastronomy, geopraphical indication, ancestrol seed, kavılca wheat, Ardahan province


The focus on ancestral seeds and Geographical Indications (GI) reflects a growing global movement to reconnect with traditional agricultural practices and cultural heritage. These practices emphasise environmental sustainability, agricultural biodiversity and food quality. Kavılca, an old emmer wheat variety from Ardahan, Türkiye, exemplifies these practices. Known for its resilience to harsh climates, low gluten content and rich nutrient profile, Kavılca wheat supports sustainable agriculture and preserves cultural traditions. By protecting these unique products, GIs help preserve agricultural biodiversity and heritage against modern monoculture practices. Similarly, ancestral seeds such as Kavılca wheat offer climate change adaptation advantages with minimal dependence on chemical inputs. They also provide superior nutritional benefits, making them a healthier alternative to modern wheat varieties. Overall, the cultivation of ancestral seeds such as Kavılca wheat is crucial in addressing challenges such as climate change, food security and biodiversity loss. These practices represent a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation that promotes sustainable and culturally rich food systems for future generations. The resilience of this crop to environmental challenges, combined with its nutritional benefits and cultural significance, make it an invaluable asset in addressing the modern agricultural and food challenges we face. This review article is designed by narrative review method. It analyses the importance of Ardahan Kavılca wheat, a Geographical Indication ancestral seed, and its journey from the field to the consumer.


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How to Cite

Mısır, S. (2025). Geographically Indication Ancestral Seed Ardahan Kavılca Wheat: A Comprehensive Review. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 13(3), 794–801.



Review Articles