Investigation of Antioxidant Properties of Spartium junceum L.: Effect of Plant Parts and Storage Conditions
Spartium junceum L., antioxidant activity, SOD and CAT enzymes, oxidative stress, storage conditions, MDA levelsAbstract
Spartium junceum L. is a plant traditionally used for different medicinal purposes. While limited research data explicates its antioxidizing ability, interest in this plant is induced mainly due to its possible role, especially against stress-causing oxidative effects. The objectives of this study were to compare antioxidant activity in flowers and leaves of Spartium junceum L., as well as time under different storage conditions implemented for antioxidative mechanisms. Spartium junceum L. plants were obtained from the Kahramanmaras, Turkey region; subsequently, the flowering and leaf parts of the plant were separated and analyzed. Plant homogenates were prepared, and the activities of SOD and CAT enzymes, as well as MDA levels, were determined using spectrophotometric methods. Enzyme activity upon storage at +4°C, -20°C, and -70° temperature enzyme samples were carried out separately and operated for less than one month in our laboratory. Flowers exhibited higher SOD and CAT activities than leaves. Flowers also showed higher levels of MDA. It may be due to the structural and biochemical differences, where flowers experience extra oxidative stress. The optimal enzyme retention under storage conditions was at -70°C, and a decrease in temperature increased the stability of this biocatalyst. In contrast, MDA levels increased at low temperatures at total capacity. The antioxidant properties of the flower extract had stronger antioxidant potential than those of the leaf part, which also means that chemically active substances show much higher concentrations in this plant section. Storage temperature significantly affects the stability of enzymes, and it was stated that low temperatures mainly maintain antioxidant activity. The results obtained from this study recommend Spartium junceum L. as a valuable antioxidant food resource.
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