Characterization of Some Hybrid Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Genotypes
Potato, clone, selection, promising clon, early generationAbstract
This research was carried out to contribute to the determination of variety candidates with suitable characteristics among 714 clones belonging to 12 hybrid potato families obtained by hybridization breeding method. The research was carried out under polycarbonate greenhouse conditions within the TUBITAK-TOVAG project no. 113O928. As a result of the research, the average emergence time of hybrid families was determined as 10.92 days, plant height as 55.24 cm, and number of main stems as 1.75. It was determined that 97.60% of the hybrid families were yellow, 2.40% were red and 75.85% were light yellow, 13.05% were yellow and 11.10% were white of tuber inner colour. The average tuber yield per hill of the 12 hybrid families in the study varied between 133.93-410.97 g/hill and the average was 267.24 g/hill. The number of tubers per plant of these hybrid families varied between 5.99-15.03 with an average of 9.97 tubers per plant, and the average tuber weights varied between 12.58-37.37 g with an average of 24.77 g. Out of 714 clones analyzed, 23 clones were found to be superior in terms of the criteria in the early selection process. These 23 clones showing superior characteristics were evaluated as promising clones in the advanced stage of the breeding processes.
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