Industry 4.0 and Food Safety in the Food Sector
Industry 4.0, Food Industry, Traceability, Food Safety, Industrial revolutionAbstract
Since the beginning of time, people have had the most basic need for food products (food and beverages) to survive. With the increasing human population, the need for food products has also increased, and with the developing technology, these needs have been tried to be met with mass production in the food sector. However, with the effect of globalization, the safety problem of increasing mass food products has emerged, and this has led societies to create food safety and traceability policies and to create traceability systems. In this review, the stages of the industrial revolution, starting with the 1st Industrial Revolution, which emerged with the use of steam engines in the 18th century, and up to the 4th Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), where machines have started to take an active role in industrial processes compared to human power, have been discussed and their effects on the food sector have been examined. Studies on the use of the basic principles and applications of Industry 4.0 in food traceability have been researched and discussed.
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