GIS-Based Analysis of Agricultural Land Use Changes in Socio-Economically Less Developed Rural Settlements: The Case of Saray, Şarköy, and Hayrabolu Districts (Tekirdağ/Türkiye)
Agricultural Land Use Change, CORINE Land Cover, Rural Development Policies, GIS, SustainabilityAbstract
Agricultural land cover has changed over time, and monitoring these changes has become an effective tool in development processes by linking them to ecological and socio-economic issues. In this context, the main hypothesis of the study is that “determining land use changes spatially and temporally using CORINE Land Cover data is crucial in development-oriented planning processes.” The study analyzes changes in agricultural land use based on CORINE land cover classes between 1990 and 2018 in the districts of Saray, Şarköy, and Hayrabolu in Tekirdağ Province, which have low levels of socio-economic development. The research aims to answer the following questions: during which periods did significant changes occur in agricultural areas in Saray, Şarköy, and Hayrabolu? What are the total rates of increase or decrease in these areas? Into what types of land have agricultural are+as significantly transformed? The methodology was developed using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based maps, graphs, and tables. The findings reveal the spatial and temporal dimensions of changes in agricultural land use and land cover between 1990 and 2018. The data obtained are anticipated to provide a concrete foundation for developing rural development policies and ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources.
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