A Study Examining the Potential of the 5S Methodology for Improving Efficiency in Agricultural Production Processes
Agricultural sustainability, Productivity management, Process improvement in agricultureAbstract
This study comprehensively examines the applicability of the 5S methodology as a tool for enhancing efficiency, occupational safety, and sustainability in the agricultural sector. The 5S methodology, predicated on the principles of sorting, organising, cleaning, standardising, and sustaining, aims to create safer and more productive workplaces. The research investigates its effects on both indoor agricultural machinery manufacturing processes and outdoor crop production practices. The analysis reveals notable advantages in manufacturing processes, including reduced waste, enhanced occupational safety, and improved product quality, particularly in production, assembly, and quality control processes. However, the methodology faces limitations in outdoor agricultural practices due to seasonal variations and open-field conditions, which challenge the cleaning, sorting, and organising stages. However, its application in maintenance, repair, and equipment storage processes has been shown to prolong the lifespan of machinery and ensure safer working conditions. The 5S methodology aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, serving as a practical approach to enhancing efficiency, workplace safety, and resource management in the agricultural sector. This study underscores the 5S methodology's promise as a sustainable solution for enhancing productivity and safety in agriculture.
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