Effect of Kohlrabi Peel Powder as a Dietary Fibre Enrichment on Technological, Nutritional, and Sensory Properties of White Bread
Dietary fibre, Peel powder , White bread , By-products , GlutenAbstract
The addition of dietary fibres (DF) obtained from by-products into bread is an attractive way to enhance consumers’ fibre consumption while simultaneously reducing waste from by-products. This study aimed to examine the viability of replacing kohlrabi peel powder (KPP) into white bread at levels ranging from 0% to 12%. The technological and nutritional characteristics of white breads were evaluated, and sensory analysis was conducted. The specific volume values of the samples ranged from 1.486 to 1.861 mL/g. The findings showed that the specific volume of the white bread samples decreased when KPP was used at concentrations higher than 3%. The sample coded N4 (9%) exhibited higher moisture levels in both the crumb and crust, compared to the all bread samples (p˂0.05). The nutritional features of the bread samples varied as follows: ash content ranged from 0.573% to 0.588%, protein from 6.460% to 7.998%, fat from 3.200% to 4.200%, total DF from 0.250% to 3.214%, total carbohydrate content from 51.963% to 69.272%, and energy levels from 211.7 to 324.0 kcal. The sample coded N3 (6%) was approved by the panelists, however the other samples with a greater quantity of KBB were not favored. SEM images showed the gluten structure in the enriched bread samples coded N2, N3 and N4 were constituted by fibrous components that established a more open network. The study’s results indicated that elevated amounts of KPP might enhance the DF content of white bread; however, consumers do not favor higher fibre content in the bread samples. Utilization of 6% KPP could enhance the technological, nutritional, and sensory characteristics of white bread.
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