Determination of Energy Production Potential from Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Residues in Kırşehir Province

Kırşehir İli Ceviz Artıklarından Enerji Üretim Potansiyeli


  • Ömer Ertugrul Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Biyosistem Mühendisliği Bölümü



Agricultural residues, renewable energy, biomass energy, sustainable waste management, regional energy planning


The present study aims to evaluate the energy production potential from walnut (Juglans regia L.) residues, specifically pruning waste and shell biomass, in Kırşehir province, Türkiye. Data collected between 2019 and 2023 were analyzed to quantify the biomass availability and its corresponding energy potential across various districts in the region. The findings reveal that total biomass production from pruning residues increased from 1220.36 t in 2019 to 1322.69 t in 2023, resulting in an energy potential growth from 19,904.02 GJ to 21,573.11 GJ. A similar trend was observed in shell biomass, which rose from 483.11 t to 523.62 t, resulting in an energy potential increase from 9164.60 GJ to 9933.12 GJ. The Kaman district consistently dominated, accounting for over 55% of the total energy potential, while Boztepe and Çiçekdağı exhibited the lowest contributions. The total energy production potential from walnut residues in 2023 was estimated at 31,506.22 GJ (31.51 TJ), corresponding to an annual electricity generation capacity of approximately 8751.74 MWh. The study emphasizes the higher energy potential of pruning residues compared to shell biomass and highlights regional disparities in biomass availability, underscoring the need for targeted strategies to optimize resource utilization. The findings indicate that the utilization of walnut residues for bioenergy purposes has the potential to substantially mitigate fossil fuel dependency and to promote sustainable energy development in the region.


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How to Cite

Ertugrul, Ömer. (2025). Determination of Energy Production Potential from Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Residues in Kırşehir Province: Kırşehir İli Ceviz Artıklarından Enerji Üretim Potansiyeli. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 13(3), 581–586.



Research Paper