The Effects of Rearing Systems on Incubation, Egg Production and Quality Traits in Pharaoh Quails



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Enriched cage- egg yield- egg quality- fertility- hatchability


This study was conducted to determine the effect of rearing quails in different rearing systems on egg production, egg quality characteristics, and incubation results. The 360 quails were distributed equally to 3 different rearing groups (cage, enriched cage, and floor) in a male:female mixed at the age of 3 weeks. The eggs were individually weighed and recorded one by one daily (5487 eggs) for 3 months. To determine egg quality and incubation characteristics, 750 eggs were broken, and 3284 eggs were incubated, respectively. The results showed that female quail in the floor group have lower body weight at 6 weeks old (177.19 g), and they reached sexual maturity (age of first egg laying) later (65.36 day, P<0.01), The lowest egg production (61.14%) occurred in the floor group during the 3-month egg production period (P<0.05). The lowest average egg weight (9.07 g) was determined in the floor group (P<0.05). It was determined that the eggs of quails raised in the enriched group had a rounder shape index because they have larger widths (P<0.01). While the highest average yolk height (11.24 mm) was determined in the enriched cage group (P<0.01), the highest averages of albumen length (72.41 mm) and lowest averages of yolk index (48.43%) were determined in the cage group (P<0.01). The lowest average values (113.17) in Haugh unit were detected in the floor group (P<0.05). The highest fertility rate (98.44%) was in Floor♂:Cage♀, the highest hatchability of fertile egg rate (94.67%) was obtained from Enriched♂:Cage♀, and the highest hatchability (89.10%) was obtained from Floor♂:Cage♀ pairing (P<0.05). The lowest fertility rate (88.00%) was obtained from the Enriched♂:Floor♀, the lowest hatchability of fertile egg rate (86.01%) was obtained from the Enriched♂:Enriched♀, and the lowest hatchability (75.62%) was obtained from the Enriched♂: Enriched♀ groups. As a result, it has been revealed that the effect of various rearing systems is different on egg production, egg quality traits, and hatching results in quails. Thus, it has been shown that different programs at the rearing period to be applied to the male and female quails can achieve better incubation results and reproductive success.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Uçar, A. (2024). The Effects of Rearing Systems on Incubation, Egg Production and Quality Traits in Pharaoh Quails. Türk Tarım - Gıda Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 12(8), 1388–1395.



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