Effects of Adoption of Agricultural Technologies on Irish Potato Yield in Ol Kalou Sub-County Kenya: Application of Endogenous Switching Regression Model
https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v13i1.151-157.7028Anahtar Kelimeler:
Adoption Agricultural Technologies- Endogenous Switching Regression- Irish Potato- YieldÖzet
Population growth has increased demand and diversified use of Irish potato which have increased its demand. The crop has become a major source of food and income for many households across the world. However, despite the high potential of about 30 tonnes per hectare (ha), smallholder farmers in Kenya realize low Irish potato yields ranging from 4-8 tonnes per ha due to limited uptake of agricultural technologies. The low yields calls for a profound understanding of the factors influencing the uptake agricultural technologies. The study analyzed the effects of the adoption of agricultural technologies on Irish potato yield in Ol Kalou Sub County. The study considered chemical fertilizer, certified seeds, fungicides, and farm machinery as the four main agricultural technologies that that affect yield. A descriptive cross-sectional research design was used to obtain data from a study population of 21,942 smallholder Irish potato farmers in Ol Kalou Sub County. A multiple-stage sampling technique was employed to generate a sample size of 385 respondents who provided primary data. Data collected was analyzed using endogenous switching regression model using STATA version 17. The study found that the average treatment effect on treated (ATT) was 10.21 bags per acre. In addition, the Endogenous switching regression model showed that the expected yield for the adopter increased by 51.83%. Out of the four technologies, the use of chemical fertilizers had the highest effect of 37% on yield. The study concluded that the adoption of agricultural technologies increases the yield of Irish potatoes. The study recommends that national and county governments should develop policy regulations such as training and extension services, market access, price support and public-private partnerships encouraging farmers to uptake agricultural technologies. The study also recommends that both levels of government should subsidize agricultural technologies, hence reducing the cost of adoption.
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