Determination of Optimum Insulation Thickness in Building Insulation in Tokat Province and Its Effect on CO2 Emission



Anahtar Kelimeler:

Degree-day method- Life cycle cost analysis- Optimum insulation thickness- CO2 Emissions- Building insulation


According to the purpose of use, the buildings are named with names such as residences, commercial buildings, health buildings, social structures, educational buildings, sports buildings, worship buildings, etc., and classifications are made for agricultural buildings as rural structures, animal-plant production structures and protection-storage structures. It has become important to determine the type and thickness of the insulation material that will provide the most economic benefit to reduce the energy costs consumed by reducing thermal losses/gains in all building types and to reduce the damage caused by waste gases to people, the environment and especially agricultural production. In order to reduce thermal losses and gains in building exterior walls and to reduce heating-cooling costs, it has become important to determine the type and thickness of insulation material that will provide the most economic benefit. In this study, optimum insulation thicknesses, annual savings, payback period and reduction in CO2 emissions were calculated for heating and heating-cooling application in Tokat. DD method and LCA method were used for thermal and economic analysis. XPS and RW were chosen as insulation materials according to two different wall types, natural gas for heating and electricity for cooling as energy sources. The payback period and CO2 emission were calculated with a lower value in the use of XPS insulation material than in RW insulation material. For this reason, it has been determined that it is more appropriate to prefer XPS insulation material in terms of economy and environment only in heating and heating-cooling application.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

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