The Effects of Carazolol Injection During Mating Following Progestagen Administration on Conception Rate in Lactating Lacaune Ewes



Anahtar Kelimeler:

carazolol- progestagen- reproductive parameters- ewes


The aim of the present study was to determine the the effects of carazolol injection during mating following progestagen + eCG administration on conception rate in breeding season Lacaune ewes. Sixty-two Lacaune ewes were used in the study. On day 0, an intravaginal sponge containing 20 mg flugestone acetate was inserted and left in place for 10 days. On day 10, the sponges were removed, and each ewe received an intramuscular injection of eCG at a dose of 480 IU. Ewes in estrus were mated with a proven rams (ewe:ram ratio of 5:1). Fifty-nine mated ewes were randomly assigned into two groups: control and treatment. In the carazolol group (n = 30), ewes received an intramuscular injection of carazolol (0.01 mg/kg; Simpanorm, Fatro, Italy) on the day of estrus, post-mating. In the control group (n = 29), ewes were not administered any treatment. Pregnancy diagnosis was conducted in all ewes on days 30 and 60 post-mating using transabdominal ultrasonography with a Hitachi EUB-405 device equipped with a 3.5 MHz convex probe. The estrus rate, conception rate, total pregnancy rate, and early fetal death rate were evaluated across all groups. The study results indicated no statistically significant differences between the control group and the carazolol group regarding conception rates (62.1% vs. 66.7%) and total pregnancy rates (79.3% vs. 83.3%). In addition, as a result of repeated ultrasound examinations, no early fetal death was found in the study. In conclusion, carazolol injection during mating following progestagen + eCG administration did not increase on fertility in breeding season Lacaune ewes.


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Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

Kutlu, M., & Akbulut, N. K. (2025). The Effects of Carazolol Injection During Mating Following Progestagen Administration on Conception Rate in Lactating Lacaune Ewes. Türk Tarım - Gıda Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 13(3), 630–634.



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