The Effect of Olive Oil Industry By-Product Wastewater on the Quality and Microbiological Characteristics of Hungarian-triticale Silages




Hungarian vetch, olive wastewater, Silage, fermentation, microbiology


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the addition of olive wastewater, a by-product of olive oil industry, to Hungarian vetch-triticale silages at different doses on their chemical composition, fermentation, physical, microbiological properties and in vitro digestibility. The experiment silages were prepared as follows: (i) 100%Hungarian vetch-triticale silage (control); (ii) 95%Hungarian vetch-triticale + 5%olive wastewater; (iii) 90%Hungarian vetch-triticale + 10%olive wastewater; (iv) 85%Hungarian vetch-triticale + 15%olive wastewater; (v) 80%Hungarian vetch-triticale + 20%olive wastewater. The ensiling period continued for 56 days. As a result, odor, organic matter, pH and water-soluble carbohydrate contents of silages decreased; dry matter, crude ash, ADF, ether extract and Fleig Score increased by olive wastewater addition. Differences in crude protein, crude fiber, NDF, ammonia nitrogen, lactic acid bacteria, in vitro dry matter and organic matter digestibility were not significant. Sulfite reducing anaerobes, Listeria spp., Enterobactericeae and yeasts were not found in the experiment silages. Mold content was found in one sample in the group containing 15%olive wastewater. At the end of the study, it was concluded that the addition of up to 20%olive wastewater to Hungarian vetch-triticale mixtures did not have any negative effect.


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How to Cite

Arslan Duru, A., Aksu Elmalı, D., Yüksel, O., & Duru, M. (2024). The Effect of Olive Oil Industry By-Product Wastewater on the Quality and Microbiological Characteristics of Hungarian-triticale Silages. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(7), 1178–1184.



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