Diseases Caused by Gluten and Gluten Metabolism Disorder





Gluten, Gliadin, celiac, Wheat allergy , Non-celiac gluten sensitivity


Foods containing gluten have an important place in people's diet. There are diseases that occur due to gluten metabolism disorder, and these can be classified as celiac disease, IgE-mediated allergy to wheat and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. There are differences between individuals' gluten sensitivities, and if individuals with gluten sensitivity consume foods containing gluten, significant changes may occur in their histopathological structures and autoimmune systems in many tissues, especially the intestinal tissue. Changes in the histopathological structure of tissues vary depending on the tissues. Changes in the autoimmune system can be detected by examining at least one or more of the parameters such as Transglutaminase, Gliadin, IgA, IgG, CD4 and CD8. Although the effective treatment method for diseases caused by gluten metabolism disorders is a gluten-free/gluten-restricted diet, identifying the mechanisms and molecules involved in the immune system may lead to the creation of new treatment methods. The aim of this study is to compile the relationship between gluten and diseases caused by gluten metabolism disorders.


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How to Cite

İmik, A., & Gezer, C. (2024). Diseases Caused by Gluten and Gluten Metabolism Disorder. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(7), 1225–1230. https://doi.org/10.24925/turjaf.v12i7.1225-1230.6694



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